Poisson Magique

Poisson Magique, an email gateway for PbP RPG

Poisson Magique is a Play-by-Post RPG. email gateway and Web interface for Call of Cthulhu.

Contribute to the development of poissonmagique on GitHub: https://github.com/DrDub/poissonmagique

See its statistics on Ohloh: https://www.ohloh.net/p/poissonmagique

Other Pages:


Poisson Magique is a mail server + web interface to help with the GM tasks of modifying and forwarding emails in a PbP campaign.

For the player:

Each character (player and non-player) has an unique email address on the server (e.g., john.smith@...). The player can communicate seamlessly with each character by emailing them (the email might get refused if the player is not in the same room). Most of the time they will just communicate with the GM at gm@... (the email aliases for each player are a matter of convenience, they can just communicate with gm@... as usual, with a description of what they say to each other character.)

For the GM:

Each of the emails sent by the users can be split, re-assembled and modified for forwarding.

(The web interface might evolve into a full-fledged campaign management interface.)

Web UI / Accounts

System is based on commands. The commands can be issued either by emails or through the Web UI. Each account is tied to an email and (initially) it can only be used in one adventure at a time, as either a player or GM.


  • GM sends an email to the system asking for a new campaign to be created
  • The GM registers the players and welcome message
  • The players join the game by agreeing with the server policies and the adventure starts
  • The GM uploads files and shares them with the players
  • The GM defines NPCs
  • The players send emails to the GM and other characters
  • The GM assembles the replies and sends them back
  • The GM might ask the players to roll dice
  • The players roll dice and the server keeps track of result of the roll
  • The GM might update the character page
  • The players might consult their character page or any other information
  • The GM determines the game has finished and all the emails are shared among the players

Each email contains a link to access the Web UI where they can issue any of the commands or check the history of the game. The URL contains an auto-login code that should be kept secret.